Research Theme・研究テーマ

Multi-zone sound field reproduction in a shared environment using loudspeaker arrays


Journal Paper (Peer reviewed)・論文(査読付き)

  1. Tong Zhou, Kazuya Yasueda, Ghada Bouattour, Anthimos Georgiadis and Akitoshi Kataoka, "Stepwise-based optimizing approaches for arrangements of loudspeaker in multi-zone sound field reproduction," Acoustical Science and Technology, 46(1), pp. 11-21, 2025. (paper)

International Conference Proceedings (Peer reviewed)・国際会議(査読付き)

  1. Tong Zhou, Kazuya Yasueda and Akitoshi Kataoka, "Adaptive Frequency-Dependent Regularization for Multi-Zone Sound Field Reproduction," 2024 IEEE 13th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2024), Kitakyusyu, Japan, pp. 297-300, Oct. 2024. paper Excellent Student Paper Award (Silver Award)

  2. Tong Zhou, Kazuya Yasueda and Akitoshi Kataoka, "Enhancing acoustic contrast in multi-zone sound field reproduction through optimizing loudspeaker arrangements," Inter-Noise 2023, Chiba, Japan, pp. 673-682, Aug. 2023. paper

  3. Tong Zhou, Kazuya Yasueda and Akitoshi Kataoka, ”Optimization of Parameters of control point and loudspeaker for quiet zone in genetic algorithm and multi-point control method,” 24th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2022), ABS-0518, Gyeongju, South Korea, Oct. 2022.

Domestic Conference Proceedings・国内学会(査読なし)


  1. Tong Zhou, Kana Itahashi and Akitoshi Kataoka, "Evaluation of Sound Field and Multizone Reproduction Performance in Loudspeaker Arrays with Different Enclosures," IEICE Technical Committee on Engineering Acoustics (EA), pp. xx--xx, Mar. 2025 [In Japanese]
    周桐,板橋香奈,片岡章俊,“異なるスピーカーエンクロージャーを用いたスピーカーアレイの音場再現とエリア再生性能の評価”,電子情報通信学会,応用音響研究会(EA),pp. xx--xx, 2025.03

  2. Tong Zhou, Kazuya Yasueda and Akitoshi Kataoka, "A Comparative Study of Tikhonov Regularization Parameter Selection Approaches for the Pressure Matching Method", The 2024 Autumn Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan (152nd ASJ), 3-11-1, pp.167-170, Sep. 2024.
    周桐,安枝和哉,片岡章俊,”多点音圧制御法におけるTikhonov正則化パラメータ選択手法の比較研究,”日本音響学会2024年度秋季研究発表会,3-11-1,pp.167-170,2024.9 [In English]

  3. Tong Zhou, "Comparative study on stepwise optimization of loudspeaker positions for multizone sound field reproduction," The 57th Kansai Joint Speech Seminar, C-4, Osaka University, Jul. 2023
    周桐,“stepwiseを用いてマルチゾーン音場再現のためのスピーカ位置最適化の比較,” 第57回関西合同音声ゼミ,C-4,大阪大学,2023.07

  4. Tong Zhou, Kazuya Yasueda and Akitoshi Kataoka, “Spot reproduction for exhibit audio guides using 3D placement of loudspeakers and control points,” The 2022 Spring Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 2-1Q-4, Online, pp381-384, Mar. 2022
    周桐,安枝和哉,片岡章俊,“スピーカと制御点の3次元配置による展示物音声ガイドのためのスポット再生,”日本音響学会春季研究発表会,2-1Q-4, pp381-384, 2022.3

  5. Tong Zhou, Kazuya Yasueda and Akitoshi Kataoka, “A Consideration on Loudspeaker Placement for Generating Suppression Field with Genetic Algorithm,” The 2021 Autumn Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 3-1P-2, Online, pp351-352, Sep. 2021
    周桐,安枝和哉,片岡章俊,“多点制御法を用いた非再生領域の生成におけるスピーカ配置の検討,”日本音響学会秋季研究発表会,3-1P-2,pp351-352, 2021.9

  6. Tong Zhou, “Generation of Suppressed Regions Using Pressure Matching and Genetic Algorithm,” The 53th Kansai Joint Speech Seminar, K53-18, Online, Jul. 2021
    周桐,“遺伝的アルゴリズムによるスピーカ配置を用いた非再生領域の生成,”第53回関西合同音声ゼミ,K53-18 ,オンライン,2021.7

  7. Tong Zhou, Erika Azuma, Kazuya Yasueda and Akitoshi Kataoka, “A Consideration on Generating Quiet Zone Using Genetic Algorithm,” The 2020 Autumn Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 2-R1-3, pp259-260, Sep. 2020
    周桐,東絵莉香,安枝和哉,片岡章俊,“遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いたQuiet Zone生成に関する検討,”日本音響学会秋季研究発表会,2-R1-3 ,pp259-260, 2020.9

  8. Tong Zhou,“Investigation on Range of Control Point Placement for Quiet Zone Generation,” The 51th Kansai Joint Speech Seminar, K-27, Online, Jul. 2020
    周桐,“Quiet Zone生成に関する制御点配置範囲の検討,” 第51回関西合同音声ゼミ,K-27, オンライン,2020.7


  1. 古田俊樹,周桐,片岡章俊,“アコースティックギターのサウンドホール特性再現に基づくエレキギター音変換,” 日本音響学会第153回(2025年春季)研究発表会,1-5-4,2025.3

  2. 大橋颯士郎,周桐,安枝和哉,片岡章俊,“エリア再生による音漏れを考慮した音場制御を用いたマスキング手法に関する検討,” 日本音響学会第153回(2025年春季)研究発表会,1-Q-28,2025.3

  3. Rino Fujioka, Kazuya Yasueda, Tong Zhou and Akitoshi Kataoka, "Performance evaluation of Multizone Sound Field Reproduction considering radiation toward the floor in real environments." Technical Committee on Engineering Acoustics (EA), vol. 123(322), EA2023-50, pp.7-12, Dec. 2023
    藤岡璃乃,安枝和哉,周桐,片岡章俊,”実環境における床方向への放射を考慮したエリア再生の性能評価 ,”応用音響研究会,信学技報, 123(322), EA2023-50, pp.7-12,2023.12

  4. Kazuya Yasueda, Tong Zhou and Akitoshi Kataoka, "Optimize to control points in the multi-point control method using genetic algorithm and curve-fitting," The 2021 Autumn Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, pp363-366, Sep. 2021
    安枝和哉,周桐,片岡章俊,”遺伝的アルゴリズムと音圧分布のフィッティングによる多点制御法の制御点配置最適化 ,”日本音響学会秋季研究発表会,pp.363-366,2021.9

